The Delaware County Common Pleas Court, in conjunction with Adult Court Services, offers many programs and services aimed at reducing jail space, and rehabilitating the offender back into society as a productive citizen.


Our Pre-Trial Services Officer works with the court and jail to determine what type of bond and/or sanctions are appropriate for pre-trial release and provides supervision of individuals as directed by the Court.

Kasey Komjati at 740-833-2561 – Unit Supervisor
Lorrie Sanderson at 740-833-2574
Sadie Woodward-Page at 740-833-2579

The Prison Diversion Program was developed to divert individuals from incarceration by providing a higher level of supervision which includes up to 90 days of electronically monitored house arrest, and additional community service requirements. This intensively monitored supervision requires thorough and focused detail from supervising officers to ensure compliance with the sanctions imposed by the Court.

Mike Jurecko at 740-833-2575 – Deputy Chief
Tyler McCoy at 740-833-2971
Ernest Hayden at 740-833-2573
Brittany Webb at 740-833-2968
Erin Rohrer at 740-833-2974

The Pre-Sentence Investigations Division works diligently at collecting current, accurate, and detailed information to provide an attentive report to the Judges prior to sentencing.

In 2018, over 474 individuals were referred by Judges for a Pre-Sentence Investigation Report.

Kasey Komjati at 740-833-2561
David McQuigg at 740-833-2772
Rebecca Mayer at 740-833-2967
Jaclyn Rike at 740-833-2978
Ethereal Trippett at 740-833-2571

Our Intensive Supervision Officers work with offenders who are considered a high-risk to re-offend. This is a highly intensive management style of supervision designed to ensure strict compliance with specific court orders using evidence based practices, drug and alcohol testing, curfews, as well as frequent office, field and collateral contacts with treatment providers, law enforcement, community members, and family.

Mike Jurecko at 740-833-2575 – Deputy Chief
Tyler McCoy at 740-833-2971
Ernest Hayden at 740-833-2573
Brittany Webb at 740-833-2968
Erin Rohrer at 740-833-2974

Our Basic Supervision Officers ensure compliance by supervising, guiding, directing, and role modeling for persons under their supervision as ordered by the Delaware County Common Pleas Court. They perform other duties as required through the use of evidence based practices, drug and alcohol testing, office, field, and collateral contacts with treatment providers, law enforcement, community members, and family.

Aaron Howard at 740-833-2975 – Unit Supervisor
Scott Ritter at 740-833-2577
Holly Climer at 740-833-2775
Holly Ratliff at 740-833-2976
Bradley Keyes at 740-833-2774
Arvand Ossoli at 740-833-2973

Our Recovery Docket is a specialized docket within the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas and Adult Court Services, which serves a target population of those addicted to alcohol and other drugs. The docket provides a selected number of offenders with an opportunity to avoid jail or prison time by working through their substance dependency with support from Judges, Probation Officers, and substance abuse treatment providers.

Our Recovery Docket Coordinator prepares specific established guidelines for treatment in an attempt to abstain from substance use. The guidelines require daily personal responsibility, and accountability of a participant’s own actions, and demands continuous interaction from all participants to prevent incarceration or other sanctions. A participant must meet pre-determined and defined criteria to complete or “graduate” from the program.

Rachel Held at 740-833-2969 – Recovery Docket Probation Officer
Holly Graham at 740-833-2526 – Specialized Dockets Coordinator

The main approach to the Mental Health Docket employs is a problem-solving approach to court processing in lieu of more traditional court procedures for certain defendants with mental illness. The goal is to promote early identification of those with mental health, and/or developmental disabilities in order to encourage coordination and cooperation among law enforcement, jails, community treatment providers, and attorneys for offenders during the legal process, and achieve outcomes that both protect society, and support the mental health care and disability needs of the individual.

Offenders placed under this regimen are judicially supervised using community-based treatment plans for each defendant participating. The treatment team consists of court staff and mental health professionals that design and implement a treatment plan and other conditions deemed appropriate. Incentives are offered to reward those in compliance to court conditions. Sanctions are imposed on participants who do not follow the conditions. Much like the Recovery Docket program, defined criteria allow a participant to complete, or “graduate”, from the program.

Jeremiah Mowery at 740-833-2972
Holly Graham at 740-833-2526 – Specialized Dockets Coordinator

The vision of our Re-Entry Program is to use departmental resources to prepare and provide inmates, and offenders the skills and tools for a successful re-entry into the community, thereby reducing recidivism while enhancing public safety, and promoting post-release success. We believe those that develop a written and formulated plan are more likely to be successful when returning to the community.

Our three main goals of Re-Entry are to:

1. Reduce recidivism by successfully reintegrating offenders into the community;
2. Foster partnerships with agencies housing offenders to assist in providing prevention, intervention, and diversionary services geared toward successful reintegration;
3. Enhance public safety.

This program assists offenders in preparing for a successful return to the community. Members of the Re-Entry team conduct a pre-release assessment to determine an offender’s pre and post release needs, and to develop a re-entry plan in cooperation with the offender, community providers, and family support systems. This program is designed to address offender needs in areas that have been identified as keys to successful re-entry, and include strong support systems, housing, employment, education, health care, substance abstinence, transportation, financial resources, clothing, food, and other amenities.